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Cyberpunk 2077. Jedyna oficjalna książka o świecie gry Cyberpunk 2077

Jedyna oficjalna książka ebook o świecie gry "Cyberpunk 2077". Dark Horse Books a także CD PROJEKT RED, twórcy komputerowej serii Wiedźmin, przedstawiają "Cyberpunka 2077" – obszerne studium wiedzy o uniwersum Cyberpunka 2077. "Cyberpunk 2077" to bogato ilustrowany przewodnik, który przeniesie cię do futurystycznej, tętniącej życiem metropolii Night City – centrum akcji nowej gry CD PROJEKT RED. Ta starannie przygotowana pozycja zawiera wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o historii, postaciach i świecie długo oczekiwanej gry. Wkrocz w rok 2077, do świata, gdzie przemoc, ucisk i cybernetyczne wszczepy są nie tylko codziennością, ale także koniecznymi środkami do osiągnięcia celu. Odkrywaj poszczególne dzielnice, gangi i historię Night City. Dowiedz się wszystkiego o technologiach jutra, poznając cyberwszczepy, broń i pojazdy "Cyberpunka 2077". Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.

Tytuł Cyberpunk 2077. Jedyna oficjalna książka o świecie gry Cyberpunk 2077
Autor: Batylda Marcin
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
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Wydawnictwo: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak
Rok wydania: 2020
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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  • Dominik

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    Bardzo niezła jakość oprawy, a także wciągające wprowadzenie do historii i świata gry.

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  • Michal

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Cyberpunk 2077. Jedyna oficjalna książka o świecie gry Cyberpunk 2077 PDF transkrypt - 20 pierwszych stron:


Strona 1 the roleplaying game of the dark future Strona 2 Strona 3 CAST AND CREW Writing and Design by Mike Pondsmith, James Hutt, Cody Pondsmith, Jay Parker, J Gray, David Ackerman, and Jaye Kovach Based on Material Originally Created by David Ackerman, Matt Anacleto, Mike Blum, Edward Bolme, Colin Fisk, Dave Friedland, Bruce Harlick, Scott Hedrick, Michael LaBossiere, Mike MacDonald, Will Moss, Lisa Pondsmith, Mike Pondsmith, Derek Quintanar, Mike Roter, Scott Ruggels, Craig Sheeley, Mark Schumann, Ross Winn, Benjamin Wright, and the many writers who worked on the Cyberpunk line in the past. Beat Chart Concepts Contributed by Flint Dille Strona 4 Lyrics for Black Dog and Never Fade Away by David Sandström and Dennis Lyxzén Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith Project Management by Cody Pondsmith and Mike Pondsmith Art Direction by Jaye Kovach Cover Illustration by Anselm Zielonka Interior Illustration and Graphics by Doug Anderson, Bad Moon Art Studio, Richard Bagnal , Santiago Betancur, Neil Branquinho, Alexander Dudar, Colin Fisk, Matthew S. Francella, Hélio Frazão, Huntang, J Gray, Maksym Harahulin, DariusK, Jaye Kovach, Bernard Kowalczuk, Adrian Marc, Jan Marek, Eddie Mendoza, Pedram Mohammadi, Alan Okamoto, Anna Podedworna, Sebastian Szmyd, Eve Ventrue, 望瑾 Jin Wang, Wavefront, and Anselm Zielonka Editing by Carol Darnell, Michael Matheson, Josh Vogt, and Dixie Cochran Layout and Page Design by J Gray, Irrgardless, and Adam Jury Product Consultation by Aron Tarbuck Playtesting and Beta Reading by James "ELH" Adams, Azalah, Jared Doyle Barnes, Ben, Gabriel Boleau, Naomi Calhoun, Matt "Sir Fluffles" Carrol , Kevin Diehl, Linda "Druttercup" Evans, James Fullerton, Allen Hawkins, Matthew House, Jay Jasti, Paul Khalifé, The MadQueen, Ashley Mayo, Leon "Leothedino" Mendez, Dan "F00d4Th0ught" Richardson, Ryan "Boss_Angler" St. John, Gavin "Fishy" Steele, Joseph Torres, Jason Rand, Jil ian Wagner, Eddy Webb, and Worthington Special Thanks to Radek Adam Grabowski, Marcin Iwiński, Amelia Kołat, Hol ie Bennet , Sam Liu, Patrick Mil s, Michał Platkow- Gilewski, Walter Jon Wil iams, and the entire crew at CD Projekt Red. CR3001•ISBN 978-1-950911-06-6•First Printing Copyright © 2020 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Strona 5 Copyrights Convention. Al situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental. Lyrics for Black Dog and Never Fade Away © 2020 by CD Prokekt S.A. Images on pages 26 and 284 © 2020 by CD Prokekt S.A. contents Never Fade Away ................................. 5 Trauma Team ...................................................................223 Street Drugs .....................................................................227 View from the Edge ............................ 17 Therapy and You ............................................................229 A Tabletop RPG Primer .................................................... 22 Cyberpsychosis ...............................................................230 Streetslang ......................................................................... 24 Welcome to the Dark Future ............. 233 Soul and the New Machine ................. 27 The Fal of America.........................................................234 Roles.................................................................................... 29 Dark Future Countdown ................................................236 The Three Methods of Making a Character ................40 Strona 6 Before the Red .................................................................242 Tales from The Street ........................... 43 The 4th Corp War ..........................................................251 Fitted for the Future ............................ 71 The Time of the Red ........................... 257 What are Statistics? .......................................................... 72 The Aftermath ..................................................................258 Skills .....................................................................................81 The U.S. in the Time of the Red .....................................258 Weapons and Armor ........................................................91 The World Beyond .........................................................260 Your Outfit ..........................................................................99 The Neocorps .................................................................264 Corporate Profiles ..........................................................267 Putting the Cyber into the Punk ........ 107 Welcome to Night City ...................... 283 Cyberpsychosis ...............................................................108 Cyberware....................................................................... 110 A Bit of Night City History .............................................284 Night City in 2020 .........................................................288 Strona 7 The Fall of the Towers .........................121 Night City, Happy at Last? ............................................291 Night City in the Time of the Red ..................................295 Getting it Done .................................. 125 Particulars ........................................................................ 300 Get ing the Scene Down ...............................................126 People of Night City .......................................................304 Resolving Actions with Skil s .........................................128 Gangs of Night City .......................................................308 Skill List ..............................................................................130 Key Places in and Around Night City .........................310 Role Abilities ....................................................................142 Multiclassing Roles .........................................................143 Everyday Life .....................................315 Staying out of Trouble .................................................... 316 Friday Night Firefight ........................ 167 How You Stay in Touch .................................................. 319 In Combat Time ...............................................................168 What You're Packing ......................................................321 Actions ..............................................................................168 Strona 8 How You Get Around ....................................................322 Ranged Combat .............................................................170 How You Get the Word .................................................326 Melee Combat ................................................................175 What You Wear ..............................................................327 Other Ways to Get Hurt ................................................180 What You Eat ..................................................................328 Before You Take Damage .............................................182 How You Have Fun ........................................................329 When Armor Doesn't Cut It ...........................................186 Where You Get Stuff ......................................................331 Vehicle Combat ..............................................................189 Reputation ........................................................................193 The New Street Economy .................. 333 Night Markets .................................................................337 Netrunning ....................................... 195 Night Market Appendix ................................................340 Doing Things in the NET ................................................197 Making a Living in a Cyberpunk World .....................381 Net Combat .....................................................................201 Strona 9 Programs ..........................................................................201 Running Cyberpunk .......................... 387 Miscellaneous Upgrades ..............................................208 Beat Charts ......................................................................395 Cyberdeck Hardware ....................................................208 Getting Better ..................................................................408 Doing a Netrun ...............................................................209 Mooks and Grunts ......................................................... 412 Building a NET Architecture..........................................209 Encounters in the Red ..................................................... 417 Trauma Team .................................... 219 Screamsheets .................................... 425 Wound States and Critical Injuries ..............................220 Black Dog .......................................... 435 Stabilization and Healing .............................................222 3 Strona 10 AND NOW, A Word From The Management So, it'S 2013, and i have a problem… See, we've all been cruising the mean streets of Night City since 1984. We've fought the Megacorps to a standstil , cybered ourselves to the very limit of psychosis, and have even climbed to the heights of the Arasaka Towers to pimp smack old Saburo upside his bald head. This is one of the problems al designers who work within a self-created world face: terminal stagnation. Your players have done everything, fought everything, and seen everything you can offer in the original iteration of your world, and there's not much left to do. In Cyberpunk, my solution has always been to treat the entire world like a giant comic book, divided up into roughly ten-year story arcs. The Cyberpunk world goes to hell beginning in 1993, starting with the invention of modern cyberware and the attack on the World Trade Center in New York by Colombian narco-terrorists. We start the main Cyberpunk story (what I call the Never Fade Away Arc) ten years later in 2013 with the culmination being Johnny Silverhand's invasion of the Arasaka Tower in an attempt to rescue his girlfriend, Alt Cunningham. Ten more years pass and then begins the Cyberpunk 2020 Arc (which I call the Fall of the Towers Arc… starting to see a pattern here, what with me destroying big buildings all the time?) by the end of which the Cyberpunk world is total y disrupted in 2023. Working in story arcs is useful. It al ows you to keep the main world operational while creating new storylines and introducing new characters. You get to build on what is already there and familiar. But by the end of the 2020 Arc, I had two big problems. First, it wasn't going to be enough simply to start a new storyline. I had to deal with the fact that much of the existing world had been mined out and needed a reset. And second, I'd acquired some partners. See, about the same time I started writing what would one day become this book, a bunch of guys in Poland— Strona 11 you probably know them as CD Projekt Red, creators of the wildly popular Witcher video games—showed up on my metaphorical doorstep and said, "Hey, wanna make a Cyberpunk videogame?" I looked them over and, assured that they were more than three guys in a basement with some old Apple 2's and a goat, agreed that this would be a cool idea. But that also meant that, besides doing a bit of a reset, I had to preserve what made Cyberpunk Cyberpunk, while at the same time moving the timeline forward and clearing out the deadwood. I also had to make the new version fit not just a tabletop roleplaying game but a AAA videogame title too. The result is the game you're holding in your hands. Cyberpunk RED doesn't wreck the world. But it resets many of the elements of that world without having to make it unrecognizable. The product of literal y hundreds of hours of real-world research and planning, RED gives us a new arc where almost al the elements of the Cyberpunk we al love are stil present, but in new forms and with some fun new twists. The mean streets of Night City are still there, but there are lots of new Players and new chal enges walking the shadows. In addition, RED al ows us to create something unparal eled in gaming history—a tabletop RPG that serves as the perfect onramp for the expanded and far future of the Cyberpunk 2077 arc. With threads looping forwards and back through the timeline, my partners at CDPR (Patrick, Adam, Marcin, Amelia—let's face it, the whole damned 600+ crew at the CD studio) and our crew at R. Talsorian Games have given you a deep, complex gaming experience you can explore on both the tabletop and the video screen. I didn't do this by myself either. I have to give all credit to the amazing crew here at R. Talsorian Games, James, Cody, J, Jaye, Jay, Lisa, David, and a host of other contributors who have made this thing work. We all think the result of all our hard work is a thing of beauty, and we hope you will too. Strona 12 Because we want you to join us in the Time of the Red and make it your time too. — Mike Pondsmith the guy who killed your cyberpunk character 4 Strona 13 BY HUNTANG Never Fade A F w ade A a wy a 2013 20 (32 Years Ago (32 Years A ) go He's coming out of the Hammer, about midnight, and he sees them. Three punks, mohawks bright and bristly with reflected neon, wearing high- collared jackets; gang colors. 5 Strona 14 NEVER FADE AWAY "Yo! Rockerboy!" one of them yells, "Good show! He stares blankly up at the flat black ceiling of the Good noise!" Johnny Silverhand waves absently. city. Overhead, there's the shimmer of distant heat Fans. They're right; the gig was good. He'd rarely lightning interacting with the pink actinic glow of the been better. But the show's over. City lights. The stars look painted in. A VTOL passes overhead, giant propblades thrashing the night. They start walking towards him. One waves a Johnny tries reaching up to it. He can see the Hand bottle; the light strikes oily yel ow tequila sloshing to etched against the sky; slick, superchrome winking and fro. "Yo, Silver-rocker!" he says. The smal er one, back at him. He balls the Hand that is his trademark with the face scarred in African tribal tattoos. "Join into a chromed fist, servos clicking in one by one. us! Share some! Fair price for a good gig, eh?" The He thrusts it into the gaping belly wound, gasping Strona 15 distance is closing, Johnny steers Alt, his girlfriend, at the shocking pain. Somehow, he gets to his feet; to his bad side. The one without the Hand. "Hey, staggers to the al eyway. He leans his feverish face Icebrothers," he says, noting the gang's colors and against the cool, wet bricks. He makes a decision. speaking in a temporizing tone. "Your offer's solid, He's not going to die. They're going to die. Closing but it's been a long gig. I'm nearly flatlined as it is. his eyes, he pitches forward into the streak of passing How 'bout a replay, next night?" By that time, they're traffic blur. almost on him. He lets the 9mm Federated Arms X-9 drop from the spring holster, settling into the Hand. Something stops him. Hands firmly grapple him, Probably nothing, he thinks. holding him up. Silverhand has just enough strength to open his eyes. There's a face looking intently at him, ' Yeah. Replay next night," the big one says enthu- thin, bearded. "Lord Almighty," the face says. "They Strona 16 siastical y, and that's when they hit him. This fast, real y did you, didn't they?" they're a blur. The X-9 booms in the close confines of the alley; whines as spent rounds ricochet off into Fade to black. nowhere. There is a metal ic "snick" as the smal er punk brings up his arm—light reflects off the fistful of razors that pretends to be a hand; then an excruciating Trauma Ward impact lifts Johnny off the ground. Blood sprays over wet concrete. Silverhand hits with a bone wrenching Something is screaming when Johnny wakes up. Fine. impact. His pale eyes stare blankly at the sky. Alt's Just as long as it isn't him. He must have missed the terrified screams recede swiftly into the dark. Sixty to ambulance ride to the hospital, but here in the trauma zero in eight seconds flat. ward he can hear the sound of jet engines. That's the screaming. It mounts higher and higher, while the ward ••• Strona 17 fills with warm air and the smell of ozone. From his Johnny comes to. There's something like broken glass stretcher, he can see the bulky AV-4 vehicle spin on in his guts. Red fire blots out the cool blue neon. He rolls its fans and hurtle upwards. The din dies down and he over in a pool of something greasy. Blood. can hear screaming for real all around him; casualties of the regular firefights around the City. His. The doctor puts him back together. The same doctor A cat topples off the dumpster, picking a cautious who did his transparent Kiroshi eyes; his trademark pattern around his body. No fool, this cat. A survivor. silver hand. The same doctor who "plugged" him for Not going to get involved. Its eyes are tiny red LEDs interface and instal ed the software chips in the back moving upal ey; Johnny watches it. Smug bastard, he of his skull. Johnny considers taking out a service thinks. And closes his eyes. contract. Strona 18 Behind his eyelids, red digitals feebly clock out his Microsurgical waldos cut through the perforated remaining moments. Bio-clock running down. Cars guts, swabbing, tying off, prepping. The doctor whispering past on the filthy, rain-wet street beyond. stitches in three feet of glistening wet, tank-grown A Trauma Team ambulance in the distance, siren intestine; plugs the punch holes with synthetic screaming. But not for him. He's checking out. skin and muscle. Airhypos inject the area with 6 Strona 19 NEVER FADE AWAY speeddrugs, fasthealers, endorphins and antibacte- headphone; a mike loops in front of his mouth, the rials. Microscopic stitches hum off the serrated teeth camera itself coming around the right side of his skull of a mini-closer, bonding flesh together almost as and hardwiring into a startlingly bright-green cyber- well as the original. In a month or two, there won't optic. He's a Media; a one-man team of cameraman even be a scar. Let's hear it for newtech. and reporter, direct feeding to some Mediacorp down- line. "Hey, Rocker," he says, leaning over the table as The doctor's hands are quick and sure. He has Silverhand recovers under the sterilizer beams. done this a thousand times. He has a German accent. "Ach... Johnny… Johnny," he says, over and over as he "Ready for a little vengeance?" works. Over his head, the sterilizer lamps glitter like an insect's multifaceted eyes. "Johnny. . When are you Strona 20 going to give this up?" says the doctor. The Naming of Names When it ends, thinks Silverhand, from the fog of Johnny pulls on a red T-shirt. The shirt has the logo the dorphs and general anesthetics. "Johnny," says of his last band, Samurai. The shirt drags over the the doctor sadly. Silverhand is a second son to him. freshly stapled wound; hangs up on the bandages. His first son was Johnny's best friend. His first son was He curses in Japanese. He pulls an armor jacket over kil ed in an inter-Corporate war eight years ago. No his shoulders. He pulls the autoshotgun out of his bat- man should lose more than one son in a lifetime. tered bedroom dresser, checking the load and weight. He slips it careful y into the worn under-arm holster, Thanks, thinks Johnny. I owe you one, again. under the jacket. He stuffs shuriken into pockets on His al eyway benefactor is named Thompson; a thin, the outside of the jacket. He picks up the heavy S&W reedy type, wearing an armorjack trenchcoat three

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